Category: Featured

  • What is Itikaf in Ramadan: Know the Virtues and Rules

    What is Itikaf in Ramadan: Know the Virtues and Rules

    Want to maximize your chances of catching Laylatul Qadr? Itikaf—secluding yourself in the masjid—focuses your worship and increases your chances. Our Prophet ﷺ never missed it during the last 10 days of Ramadan. Once you understand its virtues, you’ll be motivated to embrace it too. This blog will guide you through everything you need to…

  • The Power of Charity in Ramadan – Why It Matters

    The Power of Charity in Ramadan – Why It Matters

    Did you know that our Prophet ﷺ was at his most generous during Ramadan? His charity flowed like a powerful wind, reaching and uplifting everyone around him. Ramadan is the best time to give charity, when rewards are multiplied and every act of Sadaqah brings us closer to Allah’s mercy. Ready to boost your reward?…

  • Maximise the Last 10 Days of Ramadan: 8 Powerful Tips

    Maximise the Last 10 Days of Ramadan: 8 Powerful Tips

    Have you ever wondered how to make the most of the last ten days of Ramadan? These are the most blessed nights of the year, filled with endless opportunities for reward and forgiveness. The Prophet ﷺ made these days special by dedicating himself completely to worship—waking his family for night prayers, staying in the mosque…

  • 20 Dos & Don’ts of Ramadan: List of Ramadan Activities

    20 Dos & Don’ts of Ramadan: List of Ramadan Activities

    Every moment of Ramadan is a gift—you don’t want to waste it, right? But with so many distractions, it’s easy to lose track of time if you don’t have a list of Ramadan activities. That’s why it’s important to know what to do—and what to avoid. From acts of worship to daily habits, small changes…

  • When is Laylatul Qadr 2025? Don’t Miss the Night of Power

    When is Laylatul Qadr 2025? Don’t Miss the Night of Power

    Imagine a night so powerful that worship in it is worth more than a thousand months. A night when the skies are filled with angels, divine decrees are set, and Allah’s mercy descends like never before. This is Laylatul Qadr—the Night of Power. It’s not just another night; it’s a once-a-year opportunity, a gift from…