Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Early Childhood of Muhammad ﷺ: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 6]

    Early Childhood of Muhammad ﷺ: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 6]

    It was the general custom of the Arabs to send their children away to bedouin wet nurses so that they might grow up with fresh air for the breasts, pure Arabic for the tongue, and freedom for the soul. Away from the hustle and bustle of the town they were to form a lasting bond…

  • What is Sadaqah Jariyah? Benefits and Examples of Ongoing Charity

    What is Sadaqah Jariyah? Benefits and Examples of Ongoing Charity

    Islam is a religion of humanity. It encourages voluntary charitable activities, which are referred to as Sadaqah. From the Islamic perspective, Sadaqa isn’t solely referred to as giving money but can be anything good deeds like smiling, helping others, giving good advice, removing obstacles from the path, etc.   Sadaqah Jariah, on the other hand, is…

  • The Birth of Muhammad ﷺ: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 5]

    The Birth of Muhammad ﷺ: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 5]

    Muhammad ﷺ was born into the clan of Hashim, one of the most distinguished family groups in Makkah. His great-grandfather had been the first merchant to engage in the independent trade with Syria and Yemen and the clan had the privilege of providing the pilgrims with water during the hajj, one of the most important…

  • The Ka’bah is Attacked: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 4]

    The Ka’bah is Attacked: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 4]

    The respect and esteem which Makkah and the Holy house enjoyed suggested to some distant provinces in Arabia that they should construct Holy houses in order to attract some of the people away from Makkah. The Ghassanids built such a house at al Hirah and Abrahah al Ashram built another in Yemen. Abraha was the…

  • Dua & Zikr (Hisnul Muslim) Word by Word Translation

    Dua & Zikr (Hisnul Muslim) Word by Word Translation

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, We have some exciting news to share with you all. Alhamdulillah, the dream feature Word by Word Translation of the Dua & Zikr (Hisnul Muslim) English App [v1.10.3 for Android] has been launched successfully! We believe this is a game-changer for your Dua experience. We’re grateful to Allah for making us the…

  • Political & Religious Status of Arabia: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 3]

    Political & Religious Status of Arabia: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 3]

    When Muhammad ﷺ was born in the city of Makkah in about 570, neither of the great powers of the region gave Arabia a second thought. Persia and Byzantium were both locked in a debilitating struggle with one another, which ended shortly before Muhammad ﷺ passed away. Though the southern lands of Arabia benefitted from…

  • Best Dua for Safar for Safe Travel

    Best Dua for Safar for Safe Travel

    The word Safar derives from the Arabic wordسفر, which refers to travelling, journey, tour, etc. Travelling is considered an opportunity to explore the world, seek knowledge, and engage in trade or business. Islam encourages going on a journey as long as it is done safely and lawfully.  Allah’s Messenger ﷺ teaches us several dua for…

  • Ascendancy of Quraysh: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 2]

    Ascendancy of Quraysh: Pre-Prophethood [Seerah Ep 2]

    The Quraysh had settled in Makkah towards the end of the fifth century. Their ancestor Qusayy (the fifth grandfather of the Prophet), his brother Zuhrah and his uncle Taym had settled in the Makkan valley besides the Sanctuary (Haram). Makhzum, the son of another uncle, and his cousins Jumah and Sahm settled there with Qusayy,…

  • The History of Karbala and Martyrdom of Hussain Ibn Ali (R)

    The History of Karbala and Martyrdom of Hussain Ibn Ali (R)

    The battle of Karbala is one of the most heartbreaking events in Islamic history. The history of Karbala reminds us of the martyrdom of the Prophet’s ﷺ grandson Hussain ibn Ali (R), and his family members and companions. This event took place at the 10th Muharram in 61 Hijri. We are writing a blog on…

  • How to Maintain Spirituality After Hajj? 5 Tips for Life After Hajj

    How to Maintain Spirituality After Hajj? 5 Tips for Life After Hajj

    Hajj is a profound spiritual journey for Muslims. It is a perfect time for self-reflection, repentance, and seeking forgiveness from Allah. It’s mentioned in the Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Allah makes one innocent, like a newborn, after performing Hajj. So, after cleansing your sins, it’s important to maintain spirituality. It’s true that we’ll…

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