Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Discover 70 Inspiring User Testimonials for Our Apps!

    Discover 70 Inspiring User Testimonials for Our Apps!

    Since our journey in 2015, we’ve received countless reviews and feedback about our apps. We appreciate each of them and always look forward to making our apps flawless and user-friendly. We want to share some of the most inspiring reviews that keep us motivated and striving for excellence on this journey. Let’s dive in! Al…

  • A List of Important Dua for Qurbani and Eid Al Adha

    A List of Important Dua for Qurbani and Eid Al Adha

    Qurbani is sacrificing animals for the sake of Allah which is a form of Ibadah in Islam. Muslims around the world slaughter animals during Eid Al Adha. In hadith books, some duas are mentioned to read during Qurbani and Eid Al Adha. In this article, we will discuss the Duas for Qurbani and Eid Al…

  • 12 Essential Dua for Hajj Every Pilgrim Should Know

    12 Essential Dua for Hajj Every Pilgrim Should Know

    Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is compulsory for every able-bodied Muslim, man, or woman who has the financial and physical ability to go there once in their lifetime. The reward for an accepted Hajj is paradise. Supplications are more likely to be accepted during Hajj than at other times. Thus…

  • GreenCon Hackathon 2024

    GreenCon Hackathon 2024

    GreenCon Hackathon is an engaging and intuitive competition organised by the Greentech Apps Foundation. It began its journey back in 2023 with the goal of encouraging the members of Greentech to bring about solutions for people who are eager to learn the Deen but are facing some challenges. The purpose was to provide intuitive solutions…

  • Arabic Verb Forms and Cases in Quran App Explained

    Arabic Verb Forms and Cases in Quran App Explained

    Are you eager to learn the root words of the Quran? Alhamdulillah, our Quran app allows you to know the root of any word. You can also learn the root verb form in the app.  The verbs are categorised in several verb forms and cases in our app for your easy understanding. However, if you’re…

  • Meet GTAF UK Team in Nottingham This Friday

    Meet GTAF UK Team in Nottingham This Friday

    Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah, We’re excited to announce that our UK team will attend the Jumuah prayer at Nottingham Islam Information Center this Friday (May 3, 2024). One of our Co-founders, Dr Riasat Islam and other UK members will be available there as part of our commitment to engaging more with the community. During our visit,…

  • Exploring Mushaf Feature in the Quran App

    Exploring Mushaf Feature in the Quran App

    Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah, We’re always looking for ways to provide the best features in your favourite ‘Al Quran app. Mushaf mode is such an amazing feature that gives you a feeling like reading a hard copy Quran. It allows you to recite only the Arabic Quran without looking at the meaning and tafsir of…

  • The Scared Month of Dhul Qadah: Virtues, Do’s and Don’ts

    The Scared Month of Dhul Qadah: Virtues, Do’s and Don’ts

    The Arabic month of Dhul Qadah (ذُو ٱلْقَعْدَة) has arrived. It is one of the 4 sacred months of the Hijri year. Many significant historical events took place during this virtuous month, such as the Battle of Trench (i.e. Ahzab/Khandak), the truce of Hudaibiyah, and a lot more.  In this article, we will talk about…

  • Virtues of the Month of Shawwal & Fasting 6 Days

    Virtues of the Month of Shawwal & Fasting 6 Days

    Ramadan has passed, leaving us with memories of fasting, worship, and blessings. Now, the month of Shawwal arrives, bringing the joy of Eid ul-Fitr and a chance for spiritual growth. Shawwal isn’t just about the celebrations. It’s a time to carry forward the good we began in Ramadan and gain the blessings of fasting six…

  • Life After Ramadan: 11 Tips to Keep Ramadan Spirit Alive

    Life After Ramadan: 11 Tips to Keep Ramadan Spirit Alive

    Ramadan is a special time when our hearts feel closer to Allah, and our good habits shine. But when Ramadan ends, it’s natural to wonder how to keep keep Ramadan spirit alive after Ramadan. It’s easy to stay on track when everyone’s focused on worship, but the real challenge is keeping up those good habits…

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