Looking for a specific ayah or topic in the Quran? Find exactly what you’re looking for using the search in the Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word) app.
Search through surah names, Arabic ayahs, translations, and tafsirs all in one place.

Ways to search
Quick surah access
Simply type a surah name to open it instantly. Our search understands minor spelling variations, making it easy to find what you need.
Jump to specific ayah
Use simple notation like “2:255” to go to any ayah quickly.
Search Translations and Tafsirs
Want to learn what the Quran says about paradise? Search “paradise” and see the ayahs that mentioned “paradise” in the translations or tafsirs.
Filter results by specific translations or tafsirs to show results only from that source.
Explore Quranic Topics
Explore our organized collection of Quranic topics. Find ayahs related to specific themes and teachings.
Access this from the “Explore by Topics” option in the menu drawer.
Word Analysis Search
You can also see the occurrences of Arabic words, lemma, roots across the Quran.
To see word/root/lemma occurrences, first tap on a word. Then tap on the lemma/root/word portion as you prefer.
Voice search (experimental on android)
Voice search is also available on android experimentally. However, we observed a few bugs in the Arabic search. We will work on improving the Arabic search in the coming months, in sha Allah.
Start searching now in the Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word) app.
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