Category: Research
A Novel LLM-Based Approach for Automated Seerah-Hadith Mapping: Connecting Islamic Historical Narratives Through Vector Search and Semantic Analysis
In December 2024, a groundbreaking research paper titled “A Novel LLM-Based Approach for Automated Seerah-Hadith Mapping: Connecting Islamic Historical Narratives Through Vector Search and Semantic Analysis” was presented at the Muslims in ML Workshop 2024, co-located with NeurIPS’24 in Vancouver, Canada. The research team, consisting of Rahman Mushfiqur, Mohammad Galib Shams, Nabil Mosharraf Hossain, and…
Internship Insights: Mapping Seerah and Hadith
This interview features Mushfiq, a recent intern at Greentech Apps Foundation (GTAF), who worked with the Research and Development (R&D) team on an innovative project called “Seerah-Hadith Mapping.” Over the course of four months, Mushfiq contributed to linking key events in the Seerah with relevant hadiths, aiming to enhance users’ understanding of Islamic history and…
Greentech Apps Foundation at Muslims in AI Event: Bridging Technology and Faith for Islamic Education
Alhamdulillah, the Greentech Apps Foundation (GTAF) team had an incredible experience attending the “Muslims in AI” event held at Imperial College London on October 26th, 2024. Organized by the Muslim Researchers’ Network (MRN) and STEM Muslims at Imperial College, the event brought together researchers, students, academics, and professionals united by their shared passion for Artificial…
OpusCafConverterDart Package for Efficient Opus to CAF Conversion
OpusCAFCovnerter is a powerful dart package designed to seamlessly convert Opus files into Appleās Core Audio Format (CAF) files. Opus codec has swiftly taken centre stage in the world of audio compression with its superior audio quality, lower latency, adaptability, and open-source, royalty-free nature. But what truly makes Opus stand out? Here are the highlights:…